Help us support Ukrainian journalists!
The „Wprost” Foundation is launching a fund-raising campaign for Ukrainian journalists, media people and their families. Our aim is to offer jobs, or help in finding them, in publishing houses or other media, both in Poland and abroad. We strongly believe that your active support will enable our colleagues in Ukraine to carry out freely their mission of describing the truth about current events and, what is extremely important, providing practical information to people who were forced to leave their war-torn country. This endeavor will only be possible if we take care also of their families, through support in a broad sense, by removing barriers in access to education, medical services and institutions, thus enabling them to lead new and satisfying lives in Poland.
Let small steps of many people and companies turn into a river of help for those who need it most today. By making good deeds, we can be part of the change we want to see in the world today commented Michał M. Lisiecki, Founder of PMPG Polskie Media S.A., publisher of opinion media „Wprost”, „DoRzeczy”„ and founder of the „Wprost” Foundation.
The „Wprost” Foundation has been operating since 2012. So far, its main activities have focused on education, supporting talented students from the poorest families. Due to the war in Ukraine, today we want to focus the Foundation's activities on the program called „Help for Ukrainian journalists”.
The Foundation is supported by the editorial team of the Wprost weekly, one of the most opinion-forming media in Poland, published for over 40 years.
Today, we are giving the floor to Ukrainian journalists and enabling them to build a new, free Ukrainian medium in our pages. We want them to describe current events in their mother tongue, but also to offer encouragement and faith in a better tomorrow.
Please join our efforts
there are three ways you can help today:
1. Join us as a partner and promote #HelpUkrainianJournalists.
Click on the link and help us promote the program:. #SupportUkrainianJournalists
2. Join us as a partner and hire Ukrainian Journalist.
Strengthen your editorial team by adding an experienced Ukrainian Journalist. Your Ukrainian correspondent can work from Ukraine or Poland, where 3,5 million Ukrainians have migrated. In the future, you may consider inviting your new asset to work from other locations. WPROST Foundation will help you find the right person and finance or co-finance their remuneration. If you wish to take your lead and investigate this opportunity do not hesitste to contact us: [email protected]
3. Join us in fundraising to help Ukrainian Journalists and their families.
With the war at our doorsteps, we have re-focused our attention on the #SupportUkrainianJournalists program. The WPROST Foundation has been supporting talented students from the poorest families since 2012. You can support the program by donating directly to the bank account of the WPROST Foundation or, by click on any of the collection links below.
pomagam.pl/helpforjournalists siepomaga.pl/pomocukrainskimdziennikarzom donorbox.org/helpforukrainianjournalists
zrzutka.pl/z/helpukrainianjournalists fanimani.pl/zbiorka/pomoc-ukrainskim-dziennikarzom
Bank accounts of
Fundacja Tygodnika „Wprost”
mBank S.A.
Account PLN
78 1140 1010 0000 5411 6100 1001
IBAN: PL 78 1140 1010 0000 5411 6100 1001
Account EUR
51 1140 1010 0000 5411 6100 1002
IBAN: 51 1140 1010 0000 5411 6100 1002
Account USD
24 1140 1010 0000 5411 6100 1003
IBAN: 24 1140 1010 0000 5411 6100 1003
Account all other currences
24 1140 1010 0000 5411 6100 1003
IBAN: 24 1140 1010 0000 5411 6100 1003
Pozyskane dofinansowania

Projekt www.wprostukraine.eu został sfinansowany w kwocie 4 030 235,31 zł (słownie cztery miliony trzydzieści tysięcy dwieście trzydzieści pięć złotych i trzydzieści jeden groszy), co stanowi 79,74% wartości zadania publicznego, przez Kancelarię Prezesa Rady Ministrów w ramach zadania publicznego „Pomoc ukraińskim dziennikarzom i społeczności ukraińskiej w Polsce – popularyzacja wiedzy i budowanie świadomości społecznej uchodźców z Ukrainy”, realizowanego pod nazwą „ETAP 3 Projektu – Pomoc Ukrainie”. Całkowity koszt zadania publicznego stanowi sumę kwot dotacji i środków, wynosi łącznie 5 054 536,31 zł (słownie: pięć milionów pięćdziesiąt cztery tysiące pięćset trzydzieści sześć złotych i trzydzieści jeden groszy). Dotacja KRPM została udzielona na podstawie ustawy z dnia 24 kwietnia 2003 r. o działalności pożytku publicznego i o wolontariacie.